Thursday, May 26, 2011


I know i know the blog hasnt been updated... im sorry. Ive been away on the west for a bit and im finally home. its not as easy as yall think coming home and having everything right on track. Sort of stuck in vacation mode is a tough habit to break! i wanna give a huge shout out to Chester and his girl and WTP. everyone else that showed love on the trip you are greatly appreciated as well and thanks goes all around! some of the best memories of my life where on that trip and unfortunately i wasnt even able to ride. Anyhow im back home now and alot is happening right now for the local scene. in the next couple weeks you can expect alot of happenings. summer is nearly here and i feel the scene is tighter and riding better than ever. Shout out to all the boys holdin it down while i was gone. Im glad to be home and cant wait to see what the future withholds for us! SA 2011!

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